Geriatrics Treatments
Ageing could also be a process of physical, psychological and social change in multi-dimensional aspects. The world’s elderly population is increasing. Vruddhavastha begins at 60-70 years. Rasayana (rejuvenation) chikithsa the focused branch of ayurveda and Jarachikitsa delay vruddhavastha (ageing) and reduce geriatric degeneration.
Problems in Vruddhavastha
Advancement aged usually creates numerous problems within the individual. Geriatric problems could even be mainly divided into four categories: physical, psychological, emotional, and social.
Physical problems
The quite common physical disorders of the adulthood are
- Cardiovascular – hypertension, MI, CCF
- Respiratory – asthma and bronchitis
- Musculoskeletal – osteopor+osis, spasm, drooping shoulder
- Gastro-intestinal – dyspepsia and flatulence
- Genito-urinary – nocturia, prostate enlargement
- Locomotor system – osteoarthritis, atrophic arthritis ,gout
- Endocrinological – diabetes is one among the main endo crinological problems found in adulthood.
- Ophthalmic – senile cataract and glaucoma are quite common in old people
- Ear problems – loss of hearing and hard hearing are the main problems of ears.
- Nervous – insomnia is typically found adulthood problems
- Hair Problems – hair loss and baldness
- Cancer – Cancer incidence and severity increases with age
- Menopausal – additionally to all or any or any these, ladies experience menopausal health disorders.
Psychological problems
Dementia is usually noticed in old people. Being neglected within the family may be a common complaint of the aged people. Depression is that the foremost harmful and widely noticed psychological complaint of the senior citizens.
Social issues in elderly
Fighting geriatric problems isn’t the only responsibility of the oldster alone. The family and therefore the society have their share of responsibility within the fight. legal status , financial status, work history, education, responsibilities, living atmosphere and arrangements are the prime issues to be considered while addressing the issues of elderly. Loss of some supports like death of spouse/siblings, retirement, relocation and financial problems etc. may cause multiple problems with reference to physical, social, mental wellbeing.
Diet and nutrition
The diet should be regulated taking under consideration the habitat, season, age, and consistent with one’s digestive capacity. Following points could also be considered while planning/advising dietary and other life style regimen.
- The food should be fresh, tasty, nutritious and good in appearance.
- Avoid too spicy, salty and pungent foods
- It should neither be extremely popular nor very cold.
- Liquid intake should be more frequent and in bit.
- Heavy food are often prescribed during a limited quantity.
- Heavy food shouldn’t tend within the dark. the right time for night meals is 2 to 3 hours before getting to bed. After dinner, it’s better to advice for a brief walk.
- After meals avoid heavy physical work
- Mind should be peaceful while eating.
- Avoid over eating and eating only when ever hungry.
- Include vegetables and fruits in diet.
- Daily intake of minestrone and fruit juices.