Mental disorder and Developmental disorders

Any mental disorder arises from either a disease or when the working of that part of the nervous system which controls and conducts is not proper. There are two groups for the causes of mental disorders.

Group 1 – People who are regularly subjected to great strains without developing any mental disorder

Group 2 – People who have a tendency to become insane at some point of time in life when certain causes arise.

The main causes of any mental disorders are abnormal temperament, heredity, alcoholism, improper blood circulation, sudden shock, senile degeneration, disease of the nervous system.

Varities of Mental Disorder – Mental disorder can be placed in two categories

NEUROSES – it is a mild form of mental disorder. In this the patient has a general emotional feeling of anxiety.

PSYCHOSES – manic depressive psychosis, mania, melancholia, paranoia and certain states of confusion fall in this category.

According to ayurveda, there are large varieties of insanity cases. The causative factors are the vitiation of the three doshas, mental or physical shocks and weakness of the nervous system.



MS(Psychotherapy and Counseling)

Grandson of ayurvedic legend Edayadi kunhikannan vaidyar (known as Edayadi Vaidyar) who held the lamp of great wisdom of Ayurvedic Ashtavaidya System.


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